Upload Your Required Files

In this section you can upload your Protocol, Data Sheet & Base articles.

    Client Information:

    Upload File 1: (You can upload your Protocol here, max file size - 10mb)

    Upload File 2: (You can upload Base articles, Data sheet etc, max file size - 7mb)

    Upload File 3: (You can upload Base articles, Data sheet etc, max file size - 7mb)

    Note: If you have files larger than 10mb or more than 3 files, You can send the remaining files separately from your personal emailĀ  to our system email address with the given subject: (this is only to use after you upload on the above form completion and copy the email address and subject before clicking on the “Upload” button, cause the system will be redirected to completion page once you click on “Upload” button)

    Email Address:
    Subject: (Copy this subject and paste on your email - so the system can register your id)